Tuesday, June 7, 2011

December 21, 2005

Contemplating my life this morning I was struck by how completely Steve changed my life. Each baby we bear changes us in some way but usually we stay on the same life path, it just gets a little wider.

If I hadn’t become pregnant at seventeen I would have gone with my parents when they moved to Missouri. Instead I stayed behind in California with my new husband, Steve’s biological father. I would have wanted children no matter where I settled down. As far back as I can remember I wanted a house full of babies. But I wouldn’t have been blessed with these children that came to share, and help shape, my life.

Because of Steve I met Amy’s biological father.

If not for Steve, I would have missed the opportunity to meet Dave, with whom I happily share this life path and with whom I have become this version of me.

Of course I can’t know exactly where I would be now had I never been sidetracked at seventeen. I can’t imagine it being any better than here. I am where I am today, and to the extent that our environment helps shape us, who I am today, because of Steve.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Life just incredibly amazing? Especially when we look back and just stare in amazement of the path we took and the step we made as well as the winding, meandering path it is. I'm with you...Thank you Steve. For without you I never would have met your Mom and her Husband.
    Rock on Deb! This is going to such a great read.
