Tuesday, April 6, 2010

September 9, 2003 11:16 PM

Today would have been Steve and Annette's fourth wedding anniversary. I didn't even think about it as I started my day and headed out to run errands. For hours I was blissfully unaware of the date and its significance. One of my errands involved meeting Marisa at work so that she could place a fax for me. I was so chipper as we sat at her desk and chatted. The paper I was faxing needed to be signed and dated. I looked up at her and said, "What is today's date, anyway?" Marisa let out a heavy sign and said, "Nine, nine." For a moment I was stunned. I couldn’t believe that I had forgotten.

When Nett realized that 9-9-99 was coming up she thought that would be a great anniversary date. We made plans and piled into the Justice of the Peace Office that day for a simple wedding ceremony. It was a Thursday so not everyone in the family could be there but we seemed to fill up the small room anyway. Janiece, Robyn, and I were there. Nett’s mom came down from Murietta bringing champagne and a tiny jump suit that looked like a tuxedo for one month old Christopher. There weren’t very many wedding tears; we were having too much fun! I was laughing at Steve as he stood there in his best shirt and tie with a pair of jeans. He was so nonchalant, so Steve...going with the flow. The time was right and he wanted Nett to have her memorable wedding date. The day couldn't have been more perfect...the beautiful autumn weather, the smiles and laughter, the joy that we shared.

I called Nett tonight to tell her I was thinking of her today. Although she was well aware of the date all day today she was so busy at work that she didn’t have time to let it get her down. By the time she and Chris got home they were ready to fall into bed. My call preempted that but she seemed happy to spend some long distance time with me.
As we talked she told me of a dream she had recently. She and Grandma Noni (my mom) were standing at one end of a busy street and they saw Steve was at the other end, facing them. They all started walking toward each other through heavy traffic. Steve wasn’t at all worried about the cars on the road. Grandma Noni went a little ahead of Nett and as she met up with Steve she walked right through him and Nett didn't see her again. She told me that in the dream she talked to Steve for what seemed like an hour. During their conversation she kept telling him how pearly white his teeth were. He was always so concerned about his teeth and truly enjoyed brushing them! Steve seemed very happy to be where he was.

Now Nett is worried about my mom. Mom's health seems to be declining. I just don’t want my her to suffer or have a long hospitalization. And I don’t want her to be afraid.

1 comment:

  1. :)
    I remember when you bought me flowers since it was an anniversary! When I found out Shelby's due date was 9/7, I prayed she wouldn't be born on 9/9. God has a sense of humor by making her bday on 9/8! Although Steve's gone that's a date special to me.
